Upland Mixed Bag
2 Person Minimum
Mixed Bag - Quail & Pheasant
Dream Ranch is managed especially for quality game bird cover. Enjoy traditional bobwhite quail hunting in plantation style, while experiencing a wide variety of terrain. Grain sorghum, milo, Egyptian wheat, and pine thickets have all been planted to enhance the population of quail.
All hunts include premium 20 & 28 gauge shotgun shells as well as an unlimited bag limit.
Exclusive Offerings
Sporting clays
Birds Dressed & Sealed
Cocktails & Hors d'oeuvres
On-Site Dog Boarding
Country-style Breakfast, Lunch, & Gourmet Dinner
World-class Guides & Trained Dogs
Safes & Lockers for Gear
Social Gatherings & Corporate Event Spaces

The Service
Questions? Get in touch
Kyle@dreamranch.org | (256) 302-3755 | View Map